I was raised in Portage, Michigan by two wonderful
immigrant parents from the Netherlands. After
graduating from MSU with a Bachelor of arts in Interior
Design, I worked in sales in the home furnishing's
industry. Eventually, it became obvious to me that I was
ready for a change. Because gardening is a passion of
mine, I decided to start a gardening business, gardening
comforted my soul. After 13 years of loving and growing
my gardening business the time had come for me to sell
the business and move on. I took a few years off to enjoy
some “me” time.
Deciding I was not ready to be “retired”, and considering
all the things that I enjoy, I realized real estate would be
my next calling. Coldwell Banker seemed to be the
perfect fit for me!
On a personal note… I have a dedicated husband who is
an incredibly supporting man and father of two
magnificent boys. Our 12 year old will be going into 7 th
grade at East Grand Rapids Middle School and our 17
year old will be a 4 th year senior at Culver Academies.
We love to travel, fish, ski and love on our dogs.